Sunday, June 22, 2008

Oh What Fun We Had!

This week my sister brought my nephews up for basketball camp and so she decided to stay with me for the week. I was so excited! She and her other 4 kids showed up on Monday night. It was so good to see them. Of course me being the retard that I am, I forgot to take pictures. Basically, I am not going to ever have any photo memories.

Anyways, so this week I got to hang out with her and her kids. It was so much fun. I had Emily come in to my work for a massage and then I took her kids to get lunch and eat it at the park. You will never believe what happened there when I tell you.  My neices maddy and sydney were climbing trees and found a really long caterpillar. Maddy was so excited, and she wanted to take it home and make it her pet of course. Well, this little girl that we don't know comes up and asks Maddy if she can play with it. Maddy being the sweet girl that she is let this little girl play see the little caterpillar. Once this girl has the caterpillar she proceeds to tell maddy that she is not going to give and back and that it is hers now since maddy let her see it and look at it. Well, I told that little girl ( who I have other names for but will not use) to give Maddy back the caterpillar since she had it first. The little girl says that she won't and then she runs of and smashes the caterpillar. Maddy was devistated. I was angry and ready to scream at this little girl, all the while wondering where her mother is during all of this chaos. Needless to say I didn't scream at this little girl, but told her to get away from Maddy and the other kids. I was very nice and but firm and so the squashing caterpillar girl left us and all in all our lunch ended well. Then later on that day the girls came and got little pedicures at the salon. It was so much fun.

The rest of the week was filled with the discovery museum, shopping, late night talks, watching the boys play basketball and ended with them dropping me off and heading for home. I was so sad to see them leave. I don't get to hang out with them very often and so it was so much fun! Thanks for coming to visit Em!!! I hope that you guys come back soon.


Emily said...

What fun we had, huh?! By the way, cute blog....again! You are hilarious!

Kristen said...

Isn't it the best to hang out with sisters? Sounds like you had a blast.

Nicole said...

I would love to do your blog, but it's so freakin cute already! How is work?